About Us

We’re FlyRodForge

Welcome to FlyRodForge.com, a flyfishing-focused platform specializing in custom, handcrafted flyrods.  We explore their history and the materials used to build them – from bamboo to boron – as well as their legendary and contemporary builders or makers.  Established in 2023 with a mission to explore the specific characteristics and nuances of each maker’s brand and their advantages in small stream trout fishing to help our readers better enjoy our sport.

We take pride in our approach, grounding our content in boots-on-the-ground (or perhaps more  appropriately wading boots-in-the-stream) research, pulling from reputable sources and reviews, and filtering out potential biases – both in the real world and marketing hype.  Our uniqueness lies in our specialization – we cater specifically to fly fishiers who have achieved a certain stage in life where they can afford the very best handcrafted rods available or to build one themselves, a demographic often overlooked in today’s mainstream content.

We aim to empower you with knowledge, helping you filter out the marketing hype when selecting or building a premium heirloom-quality fly rod for your ultimate enjoyment on the river or in your collection.

Meet Our Team

Bob Edelstein

Editor & On-the-Water Researcher

Bob Edelstein is an IT consultant and online marketing copywriter with an unquenchable passion for fly fishing inherited from his father and others local anglers. Bob grew up fishing the many storied water of central Pennsylvania’s rivers and spring creeks and more recently in Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Yellowstone National Park. 

He built his first flyrod in April 1998 allowing for a deeper understanding of fishing with a one-of-a-kind rod made specifically for the fisherman affects your days on the water.  Yet, despite his decades of experience, Bob continues to be a student, constantly learning and expanding his understanding and skills each season.  We invite you to join us on this journey and we’ll share what we learn as we go.

For additional information or questions, feel free to contact us.

Connect with us on our socials to get the latest updates on custom, handcrafted bamboo flyrods!